General Symposium Paper Submissions
Prospective authors are invited to submit full-length papers (up to 4 pages for technical content including figures and possible references, and with one additional optional 5th page containing only references) and extended abstracts (up to 2 pages, for paperless industry presentations and Ongoing Work presentations) via the GlobalSIP 2019 conference website. Manuscripts should be original (not submitted/published anywhere else) and written in accordance with the standard IEEE double-column paper template. The accepted abstracts will not be indexed in IEEE Xplore, however the abstracts and/or the presentations will be included in the IEEE SPS SigPort. Accepted papers and abstracts will be scheduled in lecture and poster sessions.
Please submit your General Symposium Submissions on EDAS
Key Dates
Please note those important deadlines
Please note the Key Dates below so you don’t miss any important deadlines.
Paper Submission Deadline
Notification of Acceptance
Camera-Ready Paper Due
Conference Start Date
GlobalSIP 2019
General Symposium Call for Papers
- Signal and information processing for:
- communications and networks, including green communications
- optical communications
- forensics and security
- finance
- energy, power systems, smart grid
- neural networks, deep learning
- genomics and bioengineering (physiological, pharmacological and behavioral)
- Image and video processing
- Selected topics in speech processing and human language technologies
- Human machine interfaces
- Multimedia transmission, indexing, retrieval, and quality of experience
- Selected topics in statistical signal processing
- Cognitive communications and radar
- Graph-theoretic signal processing
- Machine learning
- Compressed sensing, sparsity aware processing
- Seismic signal processing
- Big data and social media challenges
- Hardware and real-time implementations
- Other (industrial) emerging applications of signal and information processing
- 5G wireless communication
- Massive MIMO
- Mm-Wave communication
- Bio-image analysis